Why “The Cornwall Residence” is probably the only opportunity to own a condo in mid-town Oakville before early 2030's.
Current Midtown Situation
The Halton Region has made it clear to the Town of Oakville that other than The Cornwall Residences no other project will be approved until the major Trafalgar Road Trunk Sewer upgrade.
The region has also clarified that the Trafalgar Trunk Sewer upgrade will now be designed to cater to the 2051 build-out target for the midtown.
This coupled with the major new road construction and Cross Avenue realignment required for approval of all the projects north of the tracks, would most likely delay all those projects to the early 2030's.
All this makes it very likely that The Cornwall Residences will be the only project in the midtown core to see the light of day before 2030.